Sunday, June 19, 2011

weekend adventures

Have I said how much I love Colorado yet? The weather could not get any better and the mountains are so beautiful! Yesterday we all got to catch up on some sleep before we met up to go to lunch. We ate at an incredible BBQ restaurant. It was so delicious! Later in the afternoon a group of us decided we wanted to hike up a nearby mountain...a mountain that had no trail. After fighting our way through trees and bushes, cutting up our legs and getting eaten by demon ants, we almost made it to the top. But we couldn't go any further because the trees were too tough to get through at that point. I'm not sure I can say it was worth it, but it was a good adventure. I found out this morning that there actually is a trail that leads up to the top. So it's round 2 today, hopefully we can conquer this mountain.
This morning we were supposed to go to church but I accidentally got left here in the dorms.  I don't know exactly how that happened, but they came and picked me up afterwards for lunch. Tomorrow starts a whole new week of CIY. 2 more weeks to go, so excited, love being here. Tonight 2 more camp teamers are coming and all the CIY staff and camp teams are having a giant BBQ party. yes please. can't wait.

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